Wave 3 Molchavovs Course
Online Learning
By means of online videos and the Wave 3 course manual you will learn:
History of freediving 2
Advanced breathing techniques: Packing & reverse packing, advantages and dangers
Mastery of Frenzel equalization technique
Introduction to mouthfill air movement technique
Lung squeeze and DCI in freediving
Review of “no warm-up dives”
Freediving hazards
2 Pool Sessions
In this session you will learn:
Introduction to monofin technique
Improvement of Dynamic No Fins (DNF)
Introduction to diving with a nose clip
Attention deconcentration and mental strategies
Training methodology
4 Open Water Sessions
In these sessions you will learn:
Buoy setup and management
Introduction to mouthfill
Introduction to FRC
Improvement of technique: Constant Weight No Fins (CNF)
Introduction to monofin technique
Introduction to optional equipment: Nose clip
As a certified Molchanovs Wave 3 freediver you will be able to meet the following requirements:
3:30+ min static breath hold
75m Dynamic With Fins (DYN)
70m Dynamic No Fins (DNF)
40m deep of Free Immersion (FIM) / Constant Weight (CWT)
FRC to 8m
Demonstrating Mouthfill
Course Duration: 5 teaching days
Course Fee: $630